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39 x 39 Square Wall Art Oil Painting, Abstract Circles, Gold, White, Green - BM312844




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  • One large framed square oil painting
  • Crafted from high quality materials such as polyester, canvas, Fir wood, and plastic
  • Multicolored finish
  • Square shape
  • Canvas painting depicts an abstract circle design with gold glitter details
  • Gives look of modern and glamorous aesthetic
  • Adds a statement piece with a blend of color and texture
  • Ideal for creating a focal point in your space
  • Perfect for various rooms and decor styles
  • 39.4W x 39.4H x 1.5D, in inches

  • Description:
    Enhance your space with our framed square oil painting in muted light white and greentones. This oil painting is made from polyester canvas, fir wood, and plastic and features a square shape and an abstract circle design with gold glitter. This oil painting is perfect for adding a statement piece with a blend of color and texture and creating a focal point in your space.
  • 39 x 39 Square Wall...
